And just like that, it’s October

It’s been a while, so for those of you who don’t know, I decided to take the plunge and try for another child. I feel like God must have thought I was going to chicken out, because we were immediately successful, and I am now 32 weeks with our second daughter. Bug, on the other…

Transition time…

One of the biggest things I miss from my days of working was my commute home. Back when I was still teaching, I lived five minutes away from school. This was immensely helpful when I was in a hurry to get to work (still an hour and a half before the first bell) in the…

To my daughter as she turns six months old…

My darling girl, I can’t believe you’re six months old. I don’t mean this in the “oh, time travels so fast” way that I certainly will default to for every milestone of the rest of your life. I mean in the “I cannot believe we made it to six months” way. You see, I spent…

No use crying over spilled milk…

Today, I looked in the freezer and saw the cache of breastmilk that takes up the entire top shelf. I know there’s another stash downstairs in the chest freezer. I can’t bring myself to throw it away. This doesn’t make sense…My daughter has been thriving on formula for the past four months. She is happy,…

Today really could’ve been great…

Today was the day of best-laid plans going awry. Last night, I read an article about the habits of highly productive people. I decided I wanted to start off my day ahead of the game and not scrambling to keep up with my kids, so I set my alarm for 5:45. My son usually wakes…

Mama needs but doesn’t NEED help…

So, tomorrow, I will be leaving my kids with a babysitter while I go to one of my doctor’s appointments. This is a big deal for me. I don’t get help. Not really. Not even when I sort of need it. Getting help makes me feel guilty. Part of me realizes that it’s not really…

I’m really not this laid back, I promise…

On Thursdays, I try to take my kids to the school they will attend for music and story time. I don’t always make it there (sometimes I have therapy, sometimes life just gets in the way) but it’s something I like doing because I want my kids to be as excited as I am for…

Getting rid of mom guilt…

So, one of my “homework” assignments at my last CBT session was to spend some time away from my family doing something for myself. It’s not that being away from my family causes me anxiety–my husband is a fully capable, loving, wonderful parent. I know my kids are fine with him. Being away from them…

Not a Pinterest family…

So tonight, we had friends of ours over and it’s the most relaxed I’ve been in a social gathering in quite awhile… I think it was because we had kids with us… and we were completely realistic about how messy that could make the gathering. The two-year-olds melted down a few times, all of the…

To the person waiting for my parking spot…

Dear person in the parking lot today, Believe me, I saw you as I walked out of the gym. I know you saw me, because you started doing the creep along behind me as I walked to my space. Did you happen to see the diaper bag slung over one shoulder and the gym bag…